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In our fast paced life, we often only look at what our achievements are not that of the society or the community we live in. We tend to forget about our surroundings in the race to win; and in the process we become oblivious to the problems that will become the foundation of our societies in the years to come. 


MA Foundation, is founded by Mauni & Aniket. When we met, we shared the same vision of wanting to spread our knowledge to those who do not have access to it. 

MA, in many cultures means Mother. The one who looks after us and protects us. We chose orphanages across India in cities like Mumbai and Gujurat, to enable the kids to have a brighter future. A part of the earnings of MAUNI LONDON brand is donated to the future of kids at these orphanages. Together with this we have started an initiative for young entrepreneurs to take out just an hour of their time to teach a learning of their life. 

Together we can be the change for the next generation. 

MA: Text

"No one has ever become poor by giving"

Anne Frank

MA: Quote
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